
3 unusual facts about William Wycherley

Richardson Pack

The second edition of the Miscellanies is dated in 1719, and included more translations, the prologue to George Sewell's Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh, and the life of William Wycherley (prefixed in 1728 to an edition of the Posthumous Works of Wm. Wycherley).

William Wycherley

While talking to a friend in a bookseller's shop at Tunbridge, Wycherley heard The Plain Dealer asked for by a lady who, in the person of the countess of Drogheda (Letitia Isabella Robartes, eldest daughter of the 1st Earl of Radnor and widow of the 2nd Earl of Drogheda), answered all the requirements.

Like John Vanbrugh, Wycherley spent some years of his adolescence in France, where he was sent, at fifteen, to be educated in the heart of the "precious" circle on the banks of the Charente.

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