
unusual facts about William of Normandy

Kingston Bagpuize

The toponym Kingston Bagpuize is derived from the village's original name Kingston plus the surname of Ralph de Bachepuz, a Norman nobleman from Bacquepuis in Normandy who aided William of Normandy in the Norman conquest of England in 1066.

The Last English King

The story of his journey from Constantinople via Nicomedia and Nicaea to Side is then recounted in parallel with his recollections of the time before the battle, such as his accompanying Harold to William of Normandy's attack on Dinan.

see also


First known to be seated in Cumberland, the Broughan family (of nobility) held the earldom in this land, granted by Duke William of Normandy for assistance in the Battle of Hastings.


There, they held a family seat from quite early times and were granted lands by their liege Lord, the Duke William of Normandy, for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 A.D..

Count of Ponthieu

The County of Ponthieu, centered on the mouth of the Somme, became a member of the Norman group of vassal states when Count Guy submitted to William of Normandy after the battle of Mortemer.