Retail establishments, most notably Sears, restaurants, motels, and car dealerships were mainstays of Williamson Road.
The other dealership being Berglund, originally a Chevrolet dealership that now sells several makes at locations across the Roanoke area, which maintains its original location near Orange Avenue.
Abbey Road Studios | Silk Road | road | Road Rules | Abbey Road | Road to Perdition | New Circle Road | road racing | Jinshajiang Road Station | Waterloo Road | road running | On the Road | National Road | Lansdowne Road | Grand Trunk Road | David Williamson | Robin Williamson | Jinyun Road Station | Great North Road | Toll road | Road to Avonlea | Long Island Rail Road | Williamson County | Waterloo Road (TV series) | The Jungle (Wheldon Road) | Road bicycle racing | Portobello Road | Jack Williamson | Alison Williamson | Williamson County, Tennessee |