Over a 16-year period until 1961 he published 28 issues of this pioneering magazine, including some of the earliest work of notable writers such as Wilson Harris and Martin Carter.
His most recent novels include Jonestown (1996), which tells of the mass-suicide of followers of cult leader Jim Jones, The Dark Jester (2001), his latest semi-autobiographical novel, The Mask of the Beggar (2003), and The Ghost of Memory (2006).
Woodrow Wilson | Emmylou Harris | Harold Wilson | Rolf Harris | Pete Wilson | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Mike Harris | Brian Wilson | Wilson | Edmund Wilson | Ed Harris | Harris County, Texas | Owen Wilson | Richard Harris | James Wilson | Harris | Wilson Pickett | Teddy Wilson | Richard Wilson | Julie Harris | William Julius Wilson | Paul Wilson | John Marius Wilson | Joel Chandler Harris | Jackie Wilson | Franco Harris | Cassandra Wilson | Steven Wilson | Sir Arthur Harris, 1st Baronet | Gahan Wilson |