In 1990 Marc Bedjai and Wim Klever, independently from each other, established that Van den Enden was the author of two anonymous pamphlets, the Kort Verhael van Nieuw Nederland (Brief Account of New Netherland) and the Vrye Politijke Stellingen (Free Political Proposals).
Wilhelmus Nicolaas Antonius (Wim) Klever (born 1930, Snelrewaard) is an important Dutch expert on the philosophy of 17th century Jewish Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza.
Wim Wenders | Wim Delvoye | Wim Van Grembergen | Wim Kok | Wim Jansen | Wim Vandekeybus | Wim T. Schippers | Wim Sonneveld | Wim Crouwel | Klever Reichswald | Wim Verstappen | Wim van der Voort | Wim van der Linden | Wim van de Camp | Wim van Belleghem | Wim Thoelke | Wim Soetaert | Wim Naudé | Wim Klever | Wim Kieft | Wim Hof's | Wim Hofkens | Wim Hof | Wim Eijk |