In the Disney Channel's animated television show The Proud Family TV series, the baby twins were named "BeBe & CeCe."
Marvin Jr. started a production company called M2 Entertainment and produced songs for his mother Vickie Winans' album Woman To Woman.
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The album features: Doen Moen, Marvin Sapp, Donnie McClurkin, Mary Mary, Mom Winans, Roderick Dixon, Bishop Paul Morton amongst others and was recorded at Winans' church in Detroit, Mi.
Born to Marvin L. Winans, Sr., known as to be the leader of the famed gospel cross over group "The Winans", and songstress and gospel great, Vickie Winans, on December 28, 1979, Marvin began capturing the hearts of audiences at the early age of 5.
The reprise features an all-star chorus, including CCM industry "well-knowns": John Schlitt, Bob Hartman, LuLu Roman, members from the Winans family, Rick Cua, Kenny Marks, Lisa Bevill, Randy Thomas and Andy Denton.