March of Dimes | March | Fredric March | Earl of March | Bataan Death March | March (music) | March Engineering | Sherman's March to the Sea | German federal election, March 1933 | march | Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March | Harry March | William March | Million Man March | March of Carniola | March Hare | March 2009 | White March | March Violets | March of the Penguins | LSD March | Ides of March | Funeral March | Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March | Earl of Wemyss and March | Colonel Bogey March | Ausiàs March | The Washington Post (march) | Stephanie March | Ontario March of Dimes |
While Albert retained the Archduchy of Austria, Leopold became the exclusive ruler of the Duchies of Styria (including the town of Wiener Neustadt), Carinthia, Carniola, the Windic march, the County of Gorizia and the Habsburgs' possessions in Friuli, Tyrol and Further Austria.