
8 unusual facts about Winter Soldier Investigation

Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier Investigation, an inquiry into American war crimes during the Vietnam War, held in 1971

Winter Soldier Investigation

Seven years after the hearings, writer Guenter Lewy claimed in his book, America in Vietnam, that allegations against Marines were investigated by the Naval Investigative Service.

:Scott Camil: "...My testimony involves burning of villages with civilians in them, the cutting off of ears, cutting off of heads, torturing of prisoners, calling in of artillery on villages for games, corpsmen killing wounded prisoners..."

A series of benefit productions, Acting in Concert for Peace, were created and featured performances by Jane Fonda, Dick Gregory, Donald Sutherland, and Barbara Dane.

More than 30 years after the Winter Soldier Investigation, during the 2004 presidential campaign in which former VVAW spokesman and Navy veteran John Kerry was a candidate, the WSI was again in the news.

Hubbard suggested that CCI combine their efforts with Jane Fonda, Rev. Dick Fernandez of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam (CALCAV), Mark Lane, and Donald Duncan (who had previously testified at the Russell Tribunal in Denmark).

Upon hearing of these claims by Pitkin, another WSI participant named Scott Camil filed his own affidavit refuting Pitkin's statements.

Winterfilm Collective

--the first frame of the film gives the copyright date as 1972, not 1971.--> film documentary about the Winter Soldier Hearings in Detroit, as well as associated anti-war protests and marches.

Stolen Valor

Vietnam veteran Dave Curry, in a review published by Vietnam Veterans Against the War, accused Burkett and his coauthor of displaying political partisanship, making "errors in research methodology," making misleading statements about Winter Soldier Investigation participants, and denigrating the experiences and motives of veterans who subsequently opposed the war.

see also