Wintertime, 1943 musical film starring Sonja Henie and Cesar Romero
"Jingle Bells" ... (performed by Woody Herman and His Orchestra)
Because of the warmer wintertime temperatures, Hardy Palms, including Trachycarpus fortunei (Chinese Windmill Palm) and Needle Palms, would work quite well in the landscape, these plants having survived for many years also in other parts of coastal New Jersey, from Sandy Hook to Cape May.
Although the city won an injunction against the strike and jailed the union's 61-year-old ailing president, Mike Quill, Feinsinger quickly led both sides into a rapid series of give-and-take bargaining sessions which ended the bitter wintertime strike after just 13 days.
:This article is regarding the kind of garden maintained in wintertime; for other meanings, see Winter Garden