The documentary focuses primarily on Horatio Nelson Jackson and his Winton car, The Vermont; along with his companions Sewall K. Crocker, his pet pit bull Bud and frequent correspondence with Jackson's wife Bertha Richardson Wells (called "Swipes" by Jackson).
Robert Allison a local industrialist, purchased the first commercially manufactured automobile, a Winton.
American Broadcasting Company | Fox Broadcasting Company | Ford Motor Company | The Walt Disney Company | Royal Shakespeare Company | Hudson's Bay Company | East India Company | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Dutch East India Company | McKinsey & Company | H. J. Heinz Company | Company | Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company | company | Bad Company | production company | Three's Company | Shell Oil Company | Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company | Glenn L. Martin Company | The Coca-Cola Company | Southern Pacific Transportation Company | Pullman Company | Marconi Company | Canon (company) | Winton | Victor Talking Machine Company | Negro Ensemble Company | Little, Brown and Company | Grand Prix motor racing |