
unusual facts about Wolfgang William, Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg

Anna Maria, Florida

Ponce de Leon was said to have named the island for Maria Anna von der Pfalz-Neuburg, the queen of Charles II of Spain, the sponsor of his expedition.

Battle of Wevelinghoven

As Hessian troops marched towards Grevenbroich, which belonged to Jülich, Duke Wolfgang William feared that an occupation of Grevenbroich by the Hessians would be seen by the Imperial side as an opportunity to declare the neutrality of Jülich-Berg as null and void.

Colin O'Donoghue

In 2009, O'Donoghue appeared as Duke Philip of Bavaria in an episode of season 3 of the Showtime historical-fiction series The Tudors.

Francesco Farnese, Duke of Parma

Married to Dorothea Sophia of the Palatinate, his brother Odoardo's widow, to avoid the return of her dowry, Francesco curtailed court expenditure, enormous under his father and predecessor, Ranuccio II, while preventing the occupation of his Duchy of Parma, nominally a Papal fief, during the War of the Spanish Succession.

Magnus Agricola

His famous uncle was the founder and rector of the Gymnasium Illustre in Lauingen, Bavaria (Magnus Agricola's future school) and later became councilor and State minister of the reigning Dukes of Zweibrücken and Pfalz-Neuburg, while his grandfather, also named Magnus Agricola, was a judge and administrator of Holzheim.

Maria Anna of Neuburg

She spent her childhood in the castle of Neuburg, where she was raised by a German governess, Frau von Klau, together with her sisters Maria Sophia, Dorothea Sophia - to whom she was very close - and Hedwig Elizabeth.

Maximilian Reichsgraf von Hamilton

He was given in 1698 the imperial title of count of Neuburg.

Order of Saint Hubert

Both Duke Wolfgang William of Palatinate-Neuberg and Elector John Sigismund of Brandenburg claimed the territories.


After the so-called Kölner Spruch (Verdict of Cologne) the Duchy was created from the territories north of the Danube for Otto Henry and Philipp, the sons of Ruprecht of the Palatinate.

Philip William

Philip William, Elector Palatine (1615 – 1690), Count Palatine of Neuburg, Duke of Jülich and Berg, Elector of the Palatinate

Philip, Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg

To mask her feelings, a devastated Mary (Sarah Bolger) declares that she could never have married a Lutheran anyway.

Philip, Count Palatine is portrayed as Duke Philip of Bavaria by Colin O'Donoghue in the third season of Showtime's The Tudors.

Sebastián Durón

In 1715 he returned permanently to Bayonne, France as chaplain to the exiled queen Mariana of Neuburg, the widow of Charles II, to whom he officiated in her scandalous remarriage to the son of a barrel-maker.

St. Andreas, Düsseldorf

It was originally a Jesuit church and also served as the court church for the Counts palatine of Neuburg.

Theodor von Strattman

Initially he served the Elector of Brandenburg, and later was at the court of the Elector Wilhelm von der Pfalz-Neuburg, (Palatinate) where he held the position of vice chancellor (Vicekanzler).


Neuburg Castle was first built during the late 13th Century, most likely for the Baron Tumb von Neuburg (Vorarlberg).

Upper Palatinate

Cadet branches of the Wittelsbach also ruled over smaller territories in Neuburg and Sulzbach.

William G. Gray

An old friend and magical partner of Neuburg's, Crowley made Christine feel uneasy, and she would later tell her son that he was "not a very nice man" and burning the signed copy of his book 777 that he gave to her.

see also