Elisabeth of Saxony (born: 18 October 1552 at Wolkenstein Castle in Wolkenstein – died: 2 April 1590 in Heidelberg) was an Saxon princess from the House of Wettin by birth and by marriage Countess Palatine of Simmern.
For example Ganser was with Hans-Dieter Munck the first to fit one of Wolkenstein's song texts to a tune by Binchois.
In 1505 Heinrich ceded Friesland to Georg, in return for an annuity and the districts of Wolkenstein and Freiberg, where Heinrich made his residence.
Consequently Albert's successor Heinrich of Saxony, who was of a rather inert disposition, relinquished his claims to the governorship, and in 1505 an agreement was made between Albert's two sons by which Friesland was transferred to Heinrich's brother, George of Saxony, while Heinrich received an annuity and the districts of Freiberg and Wolkenstein.
The B 174 federal highway from Chemnitz runs through the town towards Reitzenhain (border of Czechia) as does the B 171 from Wolkenstein to Dippoldiswalde.
On 15 April 1945, the school closed and young Martin was advised by a party functionary in Munich, named Hummel, to try to reach his mother in the still German-occupied hamlet of Val Gardena/Gröden, near Selva/Wolkenstein in Italian South Tirol.
Above the town of Wolkenstein the Preßnitz finally discharges into the Zschopau.
It used to climb from Wolkenstein on the standard gauge Flöha - Vejprty line (the Zschopau Valley Railway or Zschopautalbahn) through the valley of river Pressnitz (Czech: Přísečnice) to Jöhstadt on the border with Bohemia.
Even in the 1980s these engines were handling all the traffic on the Wolkenstein–Jöhstadt und Oschatz–Mügeln–Kemmlitz lines.
Wolkenstein | Oswald von Wolkenstein | Wolkenstein (Erzgebirge) |
One of Abu-Jamal's attorneys, Partisan Defense Committee member Rachel Wolkenstein, found Beverly in 1999 and presented him and his affidavit to Abu-Jamal and the rest of the legal team.
Sieglinde Hartmann (born 1954 in Wuppertal, Germany) is a German medievalist, expert on the medieval poet Oswald von Wolkenstein and president of the Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft.