
5 unusual facts about Women in a Celtic Church

Women in a Celtic Church

Women in a Celtic Church was also reviewed by Judith L. Bishop of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California for Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality.

Joseph F. Kelly of John Caroll University published his review of the work in the Church History journal, publication of the American Society of Church History.

She is much more critical however of Harrington's discussion of her primary topic, exclaiming that she "does not do nearly enough to locate the experiences of religious women with specificity" and that as such, readers will turn back to the work of Kathleen Hughes.

Opening with a reference to the woman-hating attitude of Father Jack Hackett in the Irish television series Father Ted, Bitel described Women in a Celtic Church as a "vehemently argued" yet "somewhat naïvely nativist" book.

Harrington's work was reviewed by Lisa M. Bitel of the University of Southern California in The Catholic Historical Review.

see also