
unusual facts about Working Man's Clothes

Working Man's Clothes

In May 2007 the company launched its Lost Works Series with the New York City premiere of Anthony Neilson's Penetrator.

Corduroy road

Two of these, respectively on the outskirts of the milltowns of Seattle and Vancouver, which had become concentrations of bars and working man's slum, were the origin of the more widespread meaning of "skid road" and its derivative skid row, referring to a poor area.

General Trades Union

The Union was affiliated with the Locofocos, who were against the Second Bank of the United States, but refrained from political activity so as to avoid the kind of demise suffered by the Working Man’s Party in 1829-30.

The Kinks Choral Collection

It then features a version of the title track from Davies' 2007 solo album Working Man's Café, versions of six album tracks from The Kinks' 1968 album The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society and closes with a version of another well-known Kinks single "All Day and All of the Night".

Working Man

Donna Halper, then a disc jockey and music director at WMMS FM in Cleveland, Ohio is credited with getting Rush noticed in the United States by playing "Working Man" on the air.

see also