
unusual facts about World Radio Missionary Fellowship, Inc.

World Radio Missionary Fellowship, Inc.

At the time of the WRMF's incorporation, corporation officers were Adam Welty as treasurer, Ruth Churchill, secretary, and Lance Latham and his wife, Virginia along with Howard Jones and Reuben Larson serving on the board of directors.

Hospital Vozandes-Shell (Hospital Vozandes del Oriente), located in the jungle town of Shell, has provided medical services to the people of Ecuadorian Amazon since 1958.

With the addition of Everett Fuller, M.D. to HCJB’s medical work in 1950, Nate Saint, a young missionary working in the eastern jungle of Ecuador and affiliated with Mission Aviation Fellowship, enlisted the help of Dr. Fuller for the implementation of a medical hospital near the MAF's base at Shell Mera.

The corporation's first officers were Adam Welty as treasurer, Ruth Churchill, secretary, and Lance Latham and his wife, Virginia, along with Howard Jones and Reuben Larson serving on the board of directors.

see also