
unusual facts about X86 architecture


6/06 – Peak 5.2 introduced – Universal version runs natively on PPC and Intel-based Macintosh computers

ObjectWeb Think

Think comes along with KORTEX, a library of already existing system components, implementing various functions on various targets (e.g. ARM, PowerPC, x86, Hitachi H8, AVR).


Unlike MS-DOS, PC-MOS/386 is optimized for the Intel 80386 processor; however early versions will run on any x86 computer.


It was designed to run mainly on x86-based computers, but ports for ARM and PowerPC microprocessor architectures are under development (alpha versions for ARM7 TDMI core and PowerPC Open Firmware based architectures are available).


TenAsys (rhymes with tenacious) is a privately owned company providing real-time software and services based on the x86 Intel Architecture and Microsoft Windows operating system.

Unreal Tournament 2003

3.5 GB free, 64 MB of video memory recommended

Linux 2.2+ or Windows 98-Win7, 733 MHz x86 CPU, 128 MB RAM, video card with 16 MB RAM, 3 GB HDD space, DirectX 8.1 or OpenGL 1.2

Mac OS X 10.2.6+, 700 MHz PowerPC G4 CPU, 256 MB RAM, GeForce 2 MX or Radeon with 32 MB RAM, 3 GB HDD space

see also

Cyrix coma bug

Alexandr Konosevich, from Omsk, further researched the bug, and coauthored an article with Uwe Post in the German technology magazine, c't, calling it the "hidden CLI bug" (CLI is the instruction which disables interrupts in the x86 architecture).


Prior to 2005 x86 architecture processors were unable to meet the Popek and Goldberg requirements - a specification for virtualization created in 1974 by Gerald J. Popek and Robert P. Goldberg.