
7 unusual facts about Xeon

Dutch Open Telescope

Then by using statistics and a lot of computing (a 35 dual-Xeon computer-cluster powers these despeckle algorithms) the image is improved.

Nocona, Texas

:For the Intel Xeon Nocona, see Xeon.

Whitefield, Bangalore

An Intel Xeon processor code named Whitefield was being developed (but was scrapped later) in Intel's ITPB campus.


Intel released relabeled versions of its quad-core Core 2 Quad Yorkfield Q9400 and Q9x50 processors as the Xeon 3300-series (product code 80569).

At most two Foster processors could be accommodated in a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system built with a mainstream chipset, so a second version (Foster MP) was introduced with a 1 MB L3 cache and the Jackson Hyper-Threading capacity.

On 11 November 2007 Intel presented Yorkfield-based Xeons – called Harpertown (product code 80574) – to the public.

Hyper-threading (2× per core, starting from 5518), that was already present in pre-Core Duo processors.

Intel X79

Newer Core and Xeon processors address 40 PCI Express 3.0 lanes directly through Sandy Bridge-E architecture (Xeon) and Ivy Bridge architecture (Core processors).

LGA 1356

It supports Intel Sandy Bridge-E microprocessors, codenamed Romley-EN, marketed under the Xeon-E5 2400 series.

Slot 2

Slot 2 was finally replaced with the Socket 370 with the Pentium III Tualatin; some of the Tualatin Pentium IIIs were packaged as 'Pentium III' and some as 'Xeon', despite the fact they were identical.

see also