The show, consisting of games and musical numbers, took place on a colorful, futuristic set full of elaborate rides and props, among which was a mechanical "spaceship" through which Xuxa would normally enter the set at the start of the show, and leave at the end.
National Park Service | Hyde Park | Central Park | South Park | Yellowstone National Park | Hyde Park, London | Great Fire of London | Albert Park | Phoenix Park | Longstock Park | Bletchley Park | Yosemite National Park | Victoria Park | Linkin Park | Belmont Park | Jurassic Park (film) | Arcade Fire | Queens Park Rangers F.C. | Highland Park | Fire | Dalymount Park | Golden Gate Park | University Park, Pennsylvania | New York City Fire Department | Earth, Wind & Fire | Park Avenue | Donington Park | Overland Park, Kansas | Buena Park, California | amusement park |