Children of Asia International Sports Games were launched in 1996 under the initiative of the first President of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Mikhail Nikolayev; they were devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Olympic Movement.
The East Siberian brown bear (Ursus arctos collaris) is a subspecies of brown bear which ranges from eastern Siberia, beginning at the Yenisei river, as far as Trans-Baikaliya, the Stanovoy Range, the Lena River, Kolyma and generally throughout Yakutia and the Altai Mountains.
It consists of only one species, Epimydia dialampra Staudinger, 1892, which can be found in mountainous steppe areas in South Siberia, East Yakutia and Northern Mongolia.
montis Matthew, 1889 is known from the Middle Cambrian of the Russian Federation (Kounamkites-zone, Daldyn river Basin, and Nekekit River; Ovatoryctocara-zone, Molodo River, Olenik Uplift, Yakutia; Shistocephalus antiquus-zone, Lena River), and Canada (Mount Stephen, British Columbia; Bathyuriscus-Elrathina-zone, Rocky Mountains).
So far Pseudotemperoceras is known only from the western Verkhoyansk Range, Kharaulakhsk Mountains, in the Russian state of Yakutia in eastern Siberia, where it is associated with species of Trematoceras.