In January, 1942, Hajime Yasuda, the head of the conglomerate, announced that all Yasuda family members would withdraw from related and subsidiary companies, assuming new leadership positions as board members over all zaibatsu concerns.
Toko Yasuda | zaibatsu | Yasuda Zenjirō | Yasuda zaibatsu | Zaibatsu | Tomo Yasuda | Shota Yasuda | Paul Hisao Yasuda | Narumi Yasuda | Meiji Yasuda Life | Hajime Yasuda | Akira Yasuda |
The project was revived in 1917 by noted entrepreneur Yasuda Zenjirō, who used the financial resources of the Yasuda zaibatsu to fund over half of the construction costs, and who imported two steam locomotives from the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to run on the new line.
However, following the assassination of Yasuda Zenjirō, Yūki left the Bank of Japan to join the Board of Directors for the Yasuda zaibatsu in November 1921, and was appointed Managing Director of Yasuda Bank the same year.