
2 unusual facts about Yazur


During the Fatamid period in Palestine, a number of important people were born in Yazur, and the town was also the birthplace of Ahmed Jibril, the founder and current head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC).

Accompanied by Netter and two Templars, Hoffmann and Ernst Hardegg, the governor also passed by Yazur: While riding between Natter's property and the city, the Wali was beset by Arab women and men who begged him, holding onto the reigns of his mule, and onto his trousers, to help them regain their rights, the Jews were taking away their land; here they pointed at Natter, who rode next to the Wali, screaming "the Jews, the Jews."


Yazur |

Haseki Sultan Imaret

The villages whose revenues paid for Haseki Sultan Imaret were Bait Dajan, Yazur, Kafr Ana, Ludd, Anaba, and Jib, among others.

see also