
unusual facts about Yeats

A. D. Hope

His influences were Pope and the Augustan poets, Auden, and Yeats; he was a polymath, very largely self-taught, and with a talent for offending his countrymen.

Arthur Henry King

King asserted that poet Andrew Marvell was a principal influence on his work, but acknowledged the influence of T. S. Eliot and Yeats.

Audio Arts

Interviewees include: Andy Warhol, Anish Kapoor, Joseph Beuys, Gilbert & George, Yoko Ono, R. Buckminster Fuller, Hermann Nitsch, Mario Merz, Gerhard Richter, Nam June Paik, as well as an interview with WB Yeats' daughter and readings by Yeats himself (in Vol.1

Blood and the Moon

The poem contains many themes common in Yeats's poems from the 1920s including the "tower", a reference to Thoor Ballylee, which had been the title of a collection of works printed the year before "Blood and the Moon" was published, as well as the "gyre" which had been a major focus of his 1920 poem "The Second Coming".

County Sligo

Yeats said, "the place that has really influenced my life most is Sligo." He is buried in North County Sligo, "Under Ben Bulben", in Drumcliff.

Cuchulain of Muirthemne

In his memoir Hail and Farewell, George Moore, formerly a comrade of Lady Gregory and Yeats in the Irish Literary Theatre, accused Lady Gregory of plagiarizing her materials for the work.

Yeats recalled Nutt’s suggestion of Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur as a model for the translation and Lady Gregory wrote of the work in her diary as a guide for selecting and weaving together her disparate sources with pleasing, literary prose.

Edward Donovan

For Insects of India Donovan described and figured specimens in his own cabinet, that were originally collected by the late Duchess of Portland, Marmaduke Tunstall,a Governor Holford (many years resident in India), a Mr. Ellis, George Keate, a Mr. Yeats, and a Mr. Bailey.

Grant David Yeats

Born in Florida, he was the son of David Yeats, a physician who was the Secretary of the East Florida Colony in Florida.

Hazelwood, County Sligo

The wood is situated on the shores of Lough Gill, which contains Yeats's Lake Isle of Innisfree, and is popular among tourists and locals for its scenic walks, which is dotted with sculptures; swans, mallards and gulls who congregate at the picnic area, and for the fishing on Lough Gill.

Irish Literary Revival

The Irish Literary Theatre was founded by Yeats, Lady Gregory and Martyn in 1899, with assistance from George Moore.

Jared Curtis

He is internationally known for his work in editing the work and manuscript materials of William Wordsworth and W. B. Yeats: he has supervised the Cornell University Press editions of Wordsworth and Yeats.

Jolyon Jackson

Jackson also involved himself in music for the theatre, most notably in the music for the Yeats trilogy based on the Saga of Cuchulain, performed in the Noh style and directed by Hideo Kanze at the Abbey Theatre, and later in music to accompany the exercises of the Gurdjieff Movement.

Katharine Tynan

B.Yeats, Letters to Katharine Tynan (1953) edited by Roger McHugh

Mary McGuckian

Words Upon the Window Pane, (adapted from the play by WB Yeats), This Is the Sea, (an adaptation of her own play 'Hazel' and Best, (the life story of Northern Irish footballer George Best); all essentially Irish subjects rooted in her cultural heritage.

Raymond Knister

:there was the contrast with the reigning artificial Yellow Book school of the nineties, then in the ascendancy with Wilde, Yeats, Symons, Le Gallienne as high- priests ...

Red Hanrahan

Owen Red Hanrahan, an Irish schoolmaster/poet who figures in several poems and short stories by William Butler Yeats

Robert Anthony Welch

He took his Master's at Cork University under Sean Lucy and then went to study for his PhD under the noted Yeats scholar A N Jeffares at Leeds University, where he also held a Lectureship in English.

Sailing to Byzantium

Cleanth Brooks asks whether, in this poem, Yeats chooses idealism or materialism and answers his own question, "Yeats chooses both and neither. One cannot know the world of being save through the world of becoming (though one must remember that the world of becoming is a meaningless flux aside from the world of being which it implies)".

Skipwith Cannell

Back in London, Pound took Cannell and Kitty to visit Yeats and found a room for the couple below his own in Church Walk, Kensington.

The Clean

1999: Scarfies, in which they are seen performing the song Tally Ho! in a performance at the Empire Tavern, Dunedin (the line-up for this performance was David Kilgour, Robert Scott, Robbie Yeats, and Thomas Bell).

Thomas MacGreevy

He published several books on art and artists, including Jack B. Yeats: An Appreciation and an Interpretation (on Jack Butler Yeats) and Pictures in the Irish National Gallery (both 1945), and Nicolas Poussin (1960) on Nicholas Poussin.


The Wanderings of Oisin, epic poem published by William Butler Yeats in 1889

The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems, the first collection of poems by William Butler Yeats

see also