
4 unusual facts about Yenching University

Jade Mirror of the Four Unknowns

into English by Professor Chen Zhaixin, Former Head of Mathematics Department, Yenching University (in 1925),Translated into modern Chinese by Guo Shuchun, Volume I & II, Library of Chinese Classics, Chinese-English, Liaoning Education Press 2006 ISBN 7-5382-6923-1

James Munro Bertram

In Peking Bertram studied Chinese including at Yenching University where one of the men he shared a room with was Wang Ju-mei who was later to be better known under his Communist Party name of Huang Hua as the longest-serving foreign minister of the PRC after Zhou Enlai.

During the Peking visit he was re-introduced to his old friends including his former room-mate at Yenching, now Deputy Foreign Minister, Huang Hua and Rewi Alley.

Yenching University

Being short of capital at the beginning, he turned to fundraising worldwide and received support from the estate of Charles Martin Hall, an American executive of Alcoa Aluminum.

see also

Wu Ningkun

In 1952, after one year at Yenching University, Wu was transferred to Nankai University, Tianjin, where he met his wife, Li Yikai.