
3 unusual facts about Yggdrasil


Yggdrasil, from which the camp was named, is a mythological tree between heaven and hell in Norse mythology.

Haukur Halldórsson

His website presents his version of the Viking myth of Asgard, Yggdrasil, The Tree of Live and the bewitching underworld.

The Genesis Quest

This epic journey is made in a gigantic space-grown semi-sentient Dyson tree known as Yggdrasil.


Yggdrasil |

Discover Odin

Later tracks mix musical and spoken material on the subject of the Odin stone of Orkney, the neolithic hill of Silbury and the World Ash Tree, Yggdrasil.

Faery: Legends of Avalon

The mythical worlds that serve as the game's setting are drawn from preexisting mythologies, and include the ghost ship Flying Dutchman, the great tree Yggdrasil, and the City of Mirage, which is built on the back of a giant beetle.


The spring is mentioned a third time in Gylfaginning where High recounts its source: the stag Eikþyrnir stands on top of the afterlife hall Valhalla feeding branches of Yggdrasil, and from the stag's antlers drips great amounts of liquid down into Hvergelmir.

Urnes Stave Church

In this context, the animal may be interpreted as Níðhöggr eating the roots of Yggdrasil.


According to Fjölsvinnsmál, Víðópnir or Víðófnir (Old Norse, possibly "wide-open" or "wind-weaver") is a rooster that sits at the top of Mímameiðr, a tree often taken to be identical with the World Tree Yggdrasil.

Well of wisdom

Hvergelmir, another well under Yggdrasil and the wellspring of cold

Mímisbrunnr, another well under Yggdrasil and the place of Wóden's ordeal

see also