In September 1940, he founded a breakaway militant Zionist group named Lehi, called the "Stern Gang" by the British colonial authorities and by their assistants in the Yishuv establishment.
Her mother's parents were murdered in Auschwitz, and her father's parents had to leave a comfortable life in Berlin and immigrate to the Yishuv.
Haviva Reik (alternately Haviva Reick, Havivah Reich, or Chaviva Reich) (1914–1944) was one of 32 or 33 Palestinian Jewish parachutists sent by the Jewish Agency and Britain's Special Operations Executive (SOE) on military missions in Nazi-occupied Europe.
This order held until 14 May 1948, when the People's Council, representative of the Yishuv or Jewish Community, declared the creation of the Jewish State of Israel pursuant to the relevant UN resolution.
Suggestions were made of different Electoral Systems, but eventually it was decided to maintain the relative electoral system which existed in the elections for the Assembly of Representatives of the Jewish community in British controlled Palestine, and that the Constituent Assembly elected would be the one to determine the future electoral system in Israel.
The ranks are derived from those of the paramilitary Haganah developed in the British Mandate of Palestine period to protect the Yishuv.
The ranks are derived from those of the paramilitary Haganah developed to protect the Yishuv during the British Mandate of Palestine.
Before she died she was working on her second novel, which merged love stories with the history of the Yishuv in Palestine during British rule during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine and World War II.
However, in 1941 British forces successfully fought Vichy forces for control of Syria and Lebanon, thus removing the threat of invasion from the north, at least as long as German armies in Eastern Europe could be held back by the Red Army and thus unable to easily advance towards the Near East from the north.
In 1919 the first nationwide women's party in the New Yishuv (the Union of Hebrew Women for Equal Rights in Eretz Israel) was created, and Rosa Welt-Straus, who had immigrated there that year, was appointed its leader, as which she continued until her death.
The Haganah protected the Yishuv’s settlements while the Irgun and Etzel, more radical groups, attacked Arab settlements.
Those who arrived illegally to Israel during this time were part of the Aliyah Bet.
On 19 April 1920, elections were held for the Assembly of Representatives of the Palestinian Jewish community.
Yishuv |
On May 14, 1948, one day before the end of the British Mandate of Palestine, the leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine led by prime minister David Ben-Gurion, made a declaration of independence, and the state of Israel was established.
The Yishuv forces quickly managed to capture "Bevingrad" (named after the British Colonial Secretary Ernest Bevin), called Russian Compound because it formerly had been inhibited by the Russian Orthodox Church but had been rented by the British authorities since the early years of the mandate and used as police headquarters, courthouse and prison.