
unusual facts about Yorkshire Regiment

Battle of Ginnis

Colonel Huyshe's Second Brigade was composed of the Yorkshire Regiment, six companies of the Cameron Highlanders, 152 Sudanese soldiers, 278 men of the 1st Egyptian Battalion, a mule battery of the Royal Artillery, and detachments from both the British Camel Corps and its Egyptian counterpart.

Battle of Sari Bair

Lala Baba was captured by the 6th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment in what was the first combat action by any unit of Lord Kitchener's New Army.

Ewen Sinclair-Maclagan

In 1910, he was a major and serving with the Yorkshire Regiment when the then Brigadier William Bridges, who knew Sinclair-Maclagan from his time in Australia, offered him a position as a drill instructor at the newly established Royal Military College at Duntroon.

Tim Westoll

Westoll was the son of Captain James Westoll, late Durham Light Infantry, by his marriage in 1917 to Marian Ellen, a daughter of Captain Arthur Lenox Napier OBE DL, of the Yorkshire Regiment, and the grandson of another James Westoll, a Justice of the Peace, of Coniscliffe in County Durham.

see also

Charles Ward-Jackson

Educated at Eton, Ward-Jackson served in the 3d Yorkshire Regiment and then the Yorkshire Hussars from 1891 to 1907; as an officer during the Boer War he was twice mentioned in dispatches.