
3 unusual facts about Young Allies

Al Avison

Avison also worked as a penciler or, more often, as inker on characters including the Vision (in Marvel Mystery Comics); the Blonde Phantom; the Young Allies (in Amazing Comics, Kid Komics and Mystic Comics); the Black Marvel (in All Winners Comics); and Tommy Tyme (in Mystic Comics).

Charles Nicholas

As Charles Nicholas, Wojtkoski variously penciled and inked stories for Timely Comics, the 1940s predecessor of Marvel Comics, where his credits include the character The Defender in USA Comics #1 (Aug. 1941), and stories in Young Allies Comics #1 (Summer 1941), Tough Kid Squad Comics #1 (March 1942), and Comedy Comics (during 1942).

Kid Colt

Kid Colt (real name: Elric Freedom Whitemane) is a contemporary superhero character in the Marvel Comics universe who has appeared as a member of the modern-day Young Allies.

Otto Binder

For Timely Comics, the 1940s company that would evolve into Marvel Comics, he co-created Captain Wonder, the Young Allies, Tommy Tyme and the patriotically themed superheroine Miss America, and also wrote for stories starring Captain America, the Human Torch, the Sub-Mariner, the Destroyer, the Whizzer, and the All-Winners Squad.

see also