
unusual facts about Yuchi

Sun Moon Lake

Situated in Yuchi, Nantou, the area around the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan.

Empress Yuchi Chifan

Yuchi Chifan's grandfather Yuchi Jiong the Duke of Shu was a renowned general of Northern Zhou and a nephew of Yuwen Tai, Emperor Xuan's grandfather, making her and Emperor Xuan cousins.

Richard Ray Whitman

Collaborating with Yuchi poet and videography Joe Dale Tate Nevaquaya, Whitman created video to document the Yuchi language.

Yuchi people

The Yuchi people and language are featured in a chapter in Mark Abley's Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages, a book on endangered languages.

Yuchi Town Site

Yuchi Town Site, or Yuchi Town, is a late prehistoric and historic era archaeological site showing occupation of both the Apalachicola and of Yuchi tribes.

see also