
unusual facts about Yudhishthira


Huna Kingdom

Yudhishthira, followed by the Patachcharas, the Hunas, the Pauravakas and the Nishadas, the Pisachas, with the Kundavishas, and the Mandakas, the Ladakas (Ladakh in Jammu-Kashmir), the Tanganas, and the Uddras, the Saravas, the Tumbhumas, the Vatsas, and the Nakulas.

Saurashtra Kingdom

O Yudhishthira, on the sea-coast is the Chamasodbheda, and also Prabhasa, that tirtha which is much regarded by the Gods.

Vanga Kingdom

The Angas, the Vangas, the Punras, the Sanavatyas, and the Gayas—these good and well-born Kshatriyas distributed into regular clans and trained to the use of arms, brought tribute unto king Yudhishthira by hundreds and thousands.

see also