Since Tsuchiya left the Prince of Tennis the role of Oishi has been played by Hiroki Suzuki, Yukihiro Takiguchi, Yuya Toyoda, Yuki Tsujimoto, and is currently played by Jin Hiramaki.
Tsuchiya played a double role in the Hunter x Hunter musical Hunter x Hunter: Nightmare of Zaoldyeck in 2002, where he worked with Prince of Tennis voice actors Kaida Yuki and Hiroki Takahashi.
During his run on the series, he worked with fellow *pnish* actor Eiji Moriyama (who played Takeshi Momoshiro).
Toyo Tsuchiya | Masami Tsuchiya | Yuichi Takahashi | Yuichi Shoda | YĆ«ichi Komano | Tom Tsuchiya | Takahashi Yuichi | Keiichi Tsuchiya |