Ezekiel appears only briefly in the Dead Sea Scrolls, but his influence there was profound, most notably in the Temple Scroll with its temple plans, and the defence of the Zadokite priesthood in the Damascus Document.
Rabbinical commentators explain that the continuity of high priesthood is put forth to the descendants of Phineas from this noted verse.
(2 Samuel 8:17; 1 Chronicles 24:3) The lineage of Zadok is presented in the genealogy of Ezra (his descendant) as being of ninth generation of direct patrilineal descent from Phineas the son of Eleazar; Ezra 7:1, see 1 Chronicles 5:30 where he is placed ninth in descent from Phineas.
Zadok | Zadok HaKohen | Colonel Zadok A. Magruder High School |
She contends (as have Lawrence Schiffman, Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, Chaim Menachem Rabin, and others) that the Essenes were really the renegade sons of Zadok, a priestly caste banished from the Temple of Jerusalem by Greek rulers in 2nd century BC.
In 2004, Zadok entered the ‘How to Get Published’ competition on Channel 4’s Richard & Judy Show, reaching the final five of 46,000 entrants.