She was buried at the monastery of Santa Clara in Zafra on 26 January.
In The Spanish Holocaust film, in Zafra, Extramadura the daughter of the last Republican mayor is interviewed in the village square - a square that contains a monument to a Francoist commander, Captain Castejón.
During the Reconquista, Zafra was captured twice by Christian forces, first in 1229 by Alfonso IX, and then definitely by Ferdinand III, in a campaign through present-day Extremadura described in Alfonso X's Crónica General de España (General History of Spain).
Zafra is the hometown of Fray Ruy Lopez, author of one of the first European treatises on chess, and the humanist and arbitrist Pedro de Valencia.
Zafra | Nicolas Zafra |
After Badajoz, the capital, the principal towns are Almendralejo, Azuaga, Don Benito, Jerez de los Caballeros, Mérida, Zafra, Montijo and Villanueva de la Serena.