
6 unusual facts about Zainon Ismail C.N. Afghani

Zainon Ismail C.N. Afghani

Haji Abdul Hadi Awang stated that the Tears of Memali book should not be read as it is haram.

Even Abdul Hadi Awang, the man who started the Memali incident with his Amanat Hadi or Dictum of Hadi Awang was indifferent to the struggle of the widows and orphans of the Memali casualties that he proudly claim as martyrs.

He also said that making political arrangements with non-muslims is prohibited and those who befriended a non- muslim (hitting out at the Barisan Nasional) coalition will be considered as an infidel too.

Kafirkah Aku? hits out at the hypocrisy of Abdul Hadi when DAP, a mainly non-muslim party joined hand-in-hand with PAS as a partner in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

Zainon Ismail or fondly known as Cikgu Non was a primary school teacher in Kedah, Malaysia.

Recently, C.N. Afghani came up with a new book entitled Kafirkah Aku? or Am I an infidel? which strikes directly at Abdul Hadi Awang.

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