Prior to the arrival of the European Spanish Conquistadors, this area was the pre-Columbian kingdom of Zapotlán and was at different times under the domain of the nearby kingdoms of Colima and Michoacán.
The same year, he published La feria, a work dense with references to his native Zapotlán, which would be remembered as one of his finest literary accomplishments.
Zapotlán del Rey: city and municipality in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
Zapotlán de Juárez: city and municipality in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.
Zapotlán el Grande: city and municipality in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
of federal roads between the tree principal towns of the municipality (Zapotlán, San Pedro Huaquilpan and Acayuca).
Zapotlán | Zapotlán el Grande | Zapotlán del Rey | Zapotlán de Juárez |