He expressed his religious zeal in part by doing a BA and an MBA at Brigham Young University (BYU), where he was an original member of the Young Ambassadors, a touring performing group.
As dean of the cathedral chapter, to which office he was appointed in 1508, Krantz applied himself with zeal to the reform of ecclesiastical abuses, but, though opposed to various corruptions connected with church discipline, he had little sympathy with the drastic measures of Wycliffe or Huss.
He administered the Order with great zeal and won a brilliant victory at Salado.
As commander of the Third Division, General Aman had been beating back the encroachments of the Somali army on the eastern border with a zeal and success that he was known as the "Desert Lion."
A compilation album featuring new such Thai rock bands such as Clash, Zeal and Kala called Little Rock Project features songs by Amphol and Micro being covered by various artists.
He continued to manage the affairs of France with the same zeal, he received from His Majesty the Catholic order of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and the title of Duke of San Fernando Luis.
While still a young monk at Fulda, Rhabanus, learning of the fame of Alcuin, begged to be sent to Tours, where he listened a year to the aged teacher and imbibed some of his zeal for the study of the classics and the cultivation of the sciences.
The "Unobtainable Chamber", which was first assembled on October 7, 1815, was characterized by its zeal in favour of the aristocracy and the clergy and aimed at reestablishing the Ancien Régime.
On Carteret's death, in 1643, his son, Sir George Carteret, was appointed by the king lieutenant-governor in his stead, and he gratified at the same time his resentment for the treatment of his father, and his loyal zeal, by arresting Bandinel and his son on a charge of treason.
He conducted the negotiations with Tunis and Tripoli in 1685, and those with Morocco in 1687; and the zeal, tact and linguistic knowledge he manifested in these and other transactions with Eastern courts were at last rewarded in 1692 by his appointment to the Arabic chair in the Collège Royal de France, which he filled until his death.
While opposing the French forces of Napoleon he died of disease "from his zeal and excessive fatigue." Upon his death his brother John became the 4th Earl of Tyrconnell.
A play by Dorothy L. Sayers, The Zeal of Thy House is based on Gervase's account of the death of William of Sens.
Rumours spread that Malik was an associate of Sufi Iqbal of the Tablighi Jamaat, who was known to inspire Jihadi zeal, despite the non-political stand of Tablighi Jamaat.
With zeal, we give our students integral formation and make them active witnesses to the ideals of nobility of character (nobilitas), academic excellence (excellentia) and compassionate service (ministerii) in living, learning and loving like Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Zirin's zeal and infectious enthusiasm in the study of the sun led his Caltech astronomy students in the 1970s (led by David Brin and Dick Trtek) to produce comic books and graffiti on construction fences of Zirin as a mild-mannered professor who transformed into the super-hero Captain Corona whenever he stepped into a solar observatory.
Large number of followers from different areas gather to participate in activities of Urs and celebrate it with zeal and zest, offer their tributes, garland and a green chadar with Quranic inscriptions and seek his Tawassul /Waseela while making supplications !
He was recognised in his lifetime as a holy man, a great pastor and missionary with extraordinary zeal for the preaching of the Gospel.
His zeal on behalf of the Church having rendered him unpleasing to the Government, he was, at the request of King Maximilian II of Bavaria, summoned to Rome by Pope Pius IX as Cardinal-Priest, with the title of St. Anastasia.
He took up the task with the greatest zeal, although Berengar had been his personal friend; he was the protagonist of orthodoxy at the Church Councils of Vercelli (1050), Tours (1054) and Rome (1059).
Zeal represents European invaders who attempted to annihilate Aztec culture and religious views.
As First Lady, Hayes brought her zeal to the White House and supported her husband's ban of alcoholic beverages at state functions, excepting only the reception for Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia in 1877, at which wine was served.
At the age of five he was mesmerizing crowds with his ability to recite chapters from the Bible with confidence and zeal.
The Venerable Mother Marie-Madeleine d'Houët, F.C.J. (1781 - 1858), was a French widow and single mother who, later in her life, was inspired by zeal for God and guided by Ignatian spirituality to found a religious institute of Religious Sisters known as the Faithful Companions of Jesus.
He contributed largely by his teaching to the renewal of foreign missionary zeal—of his 1500 students more than 100 became foreign missionaries, among them such skilled translators as Adoniram Judson, Elias Riggs and William G Schauffler.
Due to the large number of enrollees, and the zeal of its biggest benefactor, Monsignor Prudencio David, the school was relocated to its second site in 1931, and ownership of the school was passed on to the Benedictine Sisters in 1938.
As the ODP became more widely known, two other major web directories edited by volunteers and sponsored by Go.com and Zeal emerged, both now defunct.
After an initially suspicious reception (a Dr Chubb roundly accused him of excessive missionary zeal at the Kandy session of the Indian Philosophical Congress in 1954), his competence and self-possession won the day and he soon found himself being invited to lecture or give courses at universities and colleges across the country.
The Forerunner Commentary on Psalms 137:2 argues that these psalms are about the "bitterness of exile into which God forced Judah", purportedly with the goal of turning grief into zeal, so that the "anger can be used to scour away sin" by becoming "righteously indignant".
When only twenty-three years old he was called upon to enter the council of the community, the material and spiritual interests of which he thereafter served with zeal and devotion.
During his brief time in Virginia, Stearns and Marshal preached the Gospel with great zeal; they were accused of being "disorderly ministers" by some stalwarts, who complained to the Philadelphia Association, but this charge was dismissed.
During this period, he came in contact with Shri Kesari Singh Barahath, a freedom fighter, and his brother Kishore Singh Brahaspatya, whom he supported with zeal and enthusiasm.
From Munich, where he was succeeded in 1565 by the celebrated Paul Hoffaeus, he was transferred to Dillingen, where for twenty years he presided over the college and the academy and laboured with zeal and success for the improvement of studies and for the religious training of the students.
Among the short films made, Eccesso di zelo (Too Much Zeal) (1997) won awards at many festivals - including the Nanni Moretti’s Sacher Silver Award and Universal Studios Award, which allowed Moroni to make a masterclass at the studios of Universal Pictures in Hollywood.
Angus was again included in the Privy Council, and in June 1598 was appointed the King's Lieutenant in southern Scotland, in which capacity he showed great zeal and conducted the "Raid of Dumfries," as the campaign against the Johnstones was called.