He contributed largely by his teaching to the renewal of foreign missionary zeal—of his 1500 students more than 100 became foreign missionaries, among them such skilled translators as Adoniram Judson, Elias Riggs and William G Schauffler.
Moses | John Stuart Mill | House of Stuart | Stuart | Mary Stuart | J.E.B. Stuart | James Francis Edward Stuart | Moses Montefiore | Stuart Raper | Stuart Highway | Charles Edward Stuart | Stuart Pearce | Robert Moses | Leslie Stuart | Moses Austin | Gilbert Stuart | Stuart Rendel, 1st Baron Rendel | Stuart Manning | Moses Brown School | Mary Stuart (play) | Moses Mendelssohn | Moses Ashley Curtis | Mary Stuart Masterson | John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute | Stuart Whitman | Stuart McLean | Stuart Holland | Stuart Christie | Ricky Stuart | Moses Taylor Pyne |
There, at the instigation of Moses Stuart, a professor, he completed a scholarly translation of Jahn's Hebrew Commonwealth (Andover, 1828; 2 vols., London, 1829).
He translated and edited Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar (1839; 1877)—and criticized a competing translation by Moses Stuart—and published revised versions with notes of Job (1856), Genesis (1868), Psalms (1871), Proverbs (1872), Isaiah i.xiii.