
3 unusual facts about Zeb


Main Boulevard Samnabad: Automobile Market; Main Market of Samnabad; Sheikhoo Restaurant(one of the most famous and oldest restaurant in the region); Tomb of Zeb-un-Nisa; Cuisine specialities: Shawarmas, Pathooras and Dahee Bhallas.


Drummie Zeb (born Angus Gaye, 1959), drummer, producer and lead singer of UK band Aswad


Its manuscripts are in the National Library of Paris, the Library of the British Museum, the Library of Tübingen University in Germany and in the Mota Library in India.

Isaac ben Jacob ha-Lavan

Isaac is mentioned in the Tosafot (Yeb. 5a, 71a; Ket. 38b; Zeb. 73b; and frequently elsewhere), and Isaac ben Moses, in his "Or Zarua'," No. 739, quotes Isaac ben Jacob's commentary on Ketubot, a manuscript of which exists in the Munich Library (No. 317).

Miangul Asfandyar Amir Zeb

Asfandyar Amir Zeb,(اسفندىاراميرزيب) Gujjar (1965-2007),s assasination(December 12, 2007) was the first high profile killing by the Taliban militant of Swat a few day after the killing of Benazir Bhutto.

Miangul Jahan Zeb

Miangul Jahan Zeb(ميانگل جهان زيب ؛ اردو) (1987–1908), Gujar, formally Miangul Abdul-Haqq Jahan Zeb was former ruler of the princely state of Swat currently part of Pakistan and formally titled the Wāli.

S. Wajid Ali

His troubled marriage with Mrs. Eleanor Saxby (Nellie) came to an end in 1928, when the mother of his two sons, Ahmed and Abdullah and daughter Zeb-un-Nissa separated from him and married his younger brother S. Shamsher Ali.

Sardar Aurang Zeb Khan

Sardar Aurang Zeb Khan was a Pakistani politician from the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

The Real Americans

They would continue to confront Los Matadores for the next several weeks with Zeb Colter coming out with a whip, mocking El Torito.

see also