
unusual facts about Zeit


Die Zeit |

Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society

The Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society at the University of Haifa was established in 2001 by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and its chairman, Professor Dres. h.c. Manfred Lahnstein.

Bucerius Law School

Bucerius Law School was founded in 2000 by one of Germany's largest foundations, ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius following the model of law schools in the United States, and bearing the name of Gerd Bucerius, a noted German judge, attorney, journalist, politician and founding publisher of Germany's leading weekly newspaper, Die Zeit.

Dancing with Time

Dancing with Time (Tanz mit der Zeit) is a film by Trevor Peters about the autobiography Dance Theater Zeit – tanzen seit 1927 by Heike Hennig.

Deine Lakaien

It is a reference to a line of the song "Die Genaue Zeit" by Einstürzende Neubauten.

Die Zeit

She became publisher of Die Zeit from 1972 until her death in 2002, together from 1983 onwards with former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, later joined by Josef Joffe and former German federal secretary of culture Michael Naumann.

Elisabeth Rotten

1930 bis 1934 wirkte sie in der Gartenstadt Hellerau, u.a. als Mitbegründerin der Staatlichen Wohlfahrtsschule Hellerau, in dieser Zeit gründete sie auch zusammen mit Jean Piaget die Schweizerische Montessori-Gesellschaft und war von 1937 bis zu ihrem Tode im Jahre 1964 Vizepräsidentin der Association Montessori Internationale.

Eric Bogle

This song has been remade by Alec Beaton (with a Scottish soldier from "The Water is Wide"), Plethyn ("Gwaed ar eu Dwylo" (Blood on their Hands), sung in Welsh from "Blas y Pridd"), and Hannes Wader ("Es ist an der Zeit" (It is the Time)).

Gerd Bucerius

In 2001, the Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society at the University of Haifa was established by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and its chairman, Professor Dres. h.c. Manfred Lahnstein.

Heilbronn University

The results of the survey released in Zeit-Studienführer 2010/2011 stated that the course Drives Systems and Mechatronics in Künzelsau Campus scored excellently in eight out of ten examined criteria.

Heinrich Kanner

In 1894, Kanner founded together with the economist Isidore Singer, and the writer Hermann Bahr, the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit".

Heinz Piontek

In 1976, he was awarded the Georg Büchner Prize by the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung for his literary oeuvre with the words "einem Lyriker, der Farbe, Melos und Kontur zu vereinen weiß; einem Essayisten, der sich dem dichten und zugleich schwingenden Satz hingibt; einem Erzähler, der Zeit, Umwelt und Schicksal hereinzieht, ohne sich ihnen anders als in persönlich gefärbter Sprache und Gestalt zu unterwerfen".

Hellmut Diwald

He also regularly appeared on the ZDF TV show Fragen zur Zeit and was a regular contributor of articles to the newspaper Die Welt.

Hermann Hüffer

His principal work is entitled: Diplomatische Verhandlungen aus der Zeit der französischen Revolution (Diplomatic negotiations at the time of the French Revolution) in three volumes (1869–79), of which the first treats of the hostility of Austria and Prussia to the Revolution down to the Treaty of Campo Formio, while the second and third deal with the Congress of Rastatt and the Second Coalition.

It is time to work for the Lord

Franz Rosenzweig uses the verse in his public letter to Hermann Cohen, It is Time: Thoughts on the Problem of Jewish Education at this Moment (Berlin, 1917) //Zeit ists (German) Et la'asot (Hebrew)

Kamid al lawz

Hachmann, Rolf., “Kāmid el-Lōz und die Amarna-Zeit oder vom Sinn und Unsinn der Kulturgeschichte und ihrer Erforschung” Saarbrücken 1972.

L'Inconnue de la Seine

Alfred Döblin's essay, "Of Faces, Pictures, and their Truth" ("Von Gesichtern, Bildern, und ihrer Wahrheit"), published as an introduction to photographer August Sander's 1929 collection Face of our Time (Antlitz der Zeit).


Theo Sommer, then publisher of Die Zeit, was one of the first to use the term 'German core culture', as part of a debate about the assimilation of immigrants in Germany, and national core values: "Integration necessarily implies a far-reaching assimilation onto the German guiding culture and its core values" („Der Kopf zählt, nicht das Tuch“, Zeit 30/1998).

Margarethe von Trotta

Von Trotta replies with an explanation about how real-life characters from her past films, Rosa Luxemburg and Die bleierne Zeit (Marianne and Juliane), fought and died for causes they found to be right: Rosa wanted more equality in her community, and Gudrun Ensslin (Marianne) wanted to revolutionize humanity.

Marianne Kirchgessner

Eine Künstlerin der empfindsamen Zeit, Verlag Hans Schneider, Tutzing 1971

Melech Epstein

While working for Zeit he exposed financial improprieties involving Lucy Lang, the Forward and the United Hebrew Trades.

The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist

"The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist" was an American comics feature, written by Michael O'Donoghue and drawn by Frank Springer.

Yvonne de Bark

Consequently she starred in both Enzo Barboni's 'Trinità & Bambino... e adesso tocca a noi' aka 'Sons of Trinity' and Cornlia Grünberg's 'Zeit des Schweigens' (Time of Silence).

see also