
unusual facts about Zig zag

Historical Logging Switchback Railway in Vychylovka

The Historical Logging Switchback Railway in Vychylovka (near Nová Bystrica, Slovakia) is preserved section technically most interesting part of the former narrow-gauge zig zag logging railway located in Kysuce and Orava region.

see also

Ángel David Rodríguez

Rodríguez was featured in Castrol's Ronaldo: Tested to the Limit when he ran against Cristiano Ronaldo over a 25-metre straight sprint, in which he beat Ronaldo 0.30 seconds, and a 25-metre zig-zag course, in which Ronaldo beat him by 0.51 seconds.

Burhi Gandak River

The Burhi Gandak, runs a zig-zag course through the districts of Samastipur and Begusarai before covering a short distance in Khagaria district, running by the side of the town of Khagaria, and flows into the Ganges.

Cinema Nuovo Olimpia

It is part of a building called Palazzo Peretti, now Palazzo Fiano, constructed by Pope Eugene IV between 1431 and 1447, located on a zig-zag bend on via in Lucina at its junction with via del Giardino Theodoli.

Collegium 1704

Zelenka: I Penitenti al Sepolcro del Redentore ZWV 63 Zig-Zag

Earl Slick

Working with producer Mark Plati Slick released a solo album, Zig Zag, which featured guest performances by David Bowie, Robert Smith, Joe Elliott, Royston Langdon and Martha Davis of The Motels.

Edward Chapman

Eddie Chapman (1914–1997), British double agent code name Zig-Zag during World War II

Jeffery Dangl

He, along with collaborator, Jonathan D. G. Jones, proposed the "zig-zag model" for the co-evolution of plant resistance genes and pathogen effectors.

Jonathan D. G. Jones

Jones, along with collaborator Jeffery Dangl, proposed the “zig-zag model” for the co-evolution of plant resistance genes and pathogen effectors.

La morte d'Orfeo

La morte d'Orfeo Cyril Auvity, Guillemette Laurens, Dominique Visse, van Elsacker, Guillon, Bucher, Akadêmia, conducted by Françoise Lasserre (Zig Zag Territoires, 2007)

Montecito Apartments

It was built in 1935 in the zig-zag Art Deco style and was the home for many Hollywood celebrities, including James Cagney, Mickey Rooney and Montgomery Clift.

United States Senate election in New Jersey, 1996

Like other Democratic candidates around the country, Torricelli tried to portray "Zig-Zag Zimmer" as a clone of House Speaker Newt Gingrich and flip flopping on his positions on issues like Medicare, gun control and an increase in the minimum wage during the campaign.