It is part of a building called Palazzo Peretti, now Palazzo Fiano, constructed by Pope Eugene IV between 1431 and 1447, located on a zig-zag bend on via in Lucina at its junction with via del Giardino Theodoli.
He also wrote The Man Who Would Be King: The First American in Afghanistan, and a book on the real-life double agent of Germany and Britain during the Second World War, Eddie Chapman, titled Agent Zigzag: The True Wartime Story of Eddie Chapman: Lover, Betrayer, Hero, Spy.
As for ornamentation, Kahn, who earlier had been inspired by the abstract geometric forms of Moorish and Persian architecture, was, from the mid-twenties onward, highly innovative in adapting the new Art Deco style with polychrome cubist or zigzag motifs reflecting the Jazz Age.
Fore and hind wings as in Kallima inachus, with a dark brown subterminal zigzag line, commencing below vein 3 on the fore wing.
Red Hill has gained some literary significance, thanks to the Nick Earls' novel Zigzag Street, set in the Red Hill street of the same name.
The chief showing a gold fess dancetty (horizontal zigzag stripe) on a red field is a rendering of the arms formerly borne by the Counts of Manderscheid, although the tinctures are reversed (this might be to comply with the general rule in heraldry that holds that two colours or two metals must not touch).
French singer-songwriter Dimie Cat pays a tribute to the American director through the film The Curse of the Jade Scorpion in the song Woody Woody, from the album ZigZag.