
2 unusual facts about Ziyang

Chenjiaping Bus Station

Routes run to Chengdu, Jianyang, Neijiang, Longchang, Luzhou, Suining, Yibin, Zigong, and Ziyang, all of which are in Sichuan province, and within the municipality, the station is connected directly to Jiangjin, Yongchuan Districts as well as the counties of Bishan Dazu, Rongchang, Tongliang and Tongnan and finally the town of Dingjia (丁家鎮)

Wang Bao

Wang Bao was a native of Ziyang, in Sichuan: the Sichuan area was then known as Shu and was one of the remote parts of the territory of the Han Empire.


Ziyang | Zhao Ziyang |

Tang Gao

As the Number One Scholar(狀元) in the ninth year (1514) of Zhengde Emperor(正德皇帝) in Ming Dynasty, Tang Gao (唐皋,1469-1526), styled himself as Shouzhi(守之), Xin’an(心庵), and Ziyang hermit(紫陽山人), was born in Yansi town(巖寺鎮), She county(歙縣), Huizhou(徽州府), South Zhili(南直隸).

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