Since 1994 he has served on the editorial board of the Algebra Colloquium, a journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published by Springer-Verlag.
Together with Professor Bernard Pinchuk he founded and established "Gelbart Institute", an international research institute named after Abe Gelbart, and the "Emmy Noether Institute" (Minerva Center).
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi | Arad | Arad, Romania | Zvi Hecker | Avi Arad | Zvi Zamir | Zvi Nishri | Zvi Hercowitz | Zvi Elimelech Halberstam | Zvi Bar | Nava Arad | Dorobanți, Arad | Beit Zvi | Atar Arad | Arad (Hungarian county) | Arad Fort |