
6 unusual facts about Zwolle


The title of the album, Bluefinger, is also a direct reference to the birthplace of Brood, who was born in the Dutch city of Zwolle, of which the citizens are colloquially known as Blauwvingers (Bluefingers).

Jakob Middendorp

He studied the humanities at the Fragerherren gymnasium of Zwolle, philosophy and jurisprudence at Cologne University, where he became doctor of philosophy and both branches of law, and also licentiate of theology; he also taught peripatetic philosophy at the Montanum gymnasium there.

Randle T. Moore

In 1901, Moore organized the Sabine Lumber Company in Zwolle, a community in Sabine Parish.


Unlike many other bridges from the same period and with the same construction, like the IJsselbrug near Zwolle, the Graafsebrug and the bridge near Arnhem, the Waalbrug is an arch bridge in the literal sense: all forces truly work on the two pylons.

Zwolle, Louisiana

Stilwell went to Zwolle, The Netherlands and met with a rich coffee merchant Jan De Goeijen.

De Goeijen sold a $3,000,000 stock issue for Stilwell's railroad and he was permitted to name the place after his hometown and birthplace of Zwolle, a riverside city of currently over 120,000 population in the Netherlands.

Aletta Hannemans

Aletta Hanemans (1606 – 1653), was a grain merchant's daughter from Zwolle, the Netherlands, who became the brewer of the Hoeffijser in Haarlem.

Brethren of the Common Life

He died in 1384, and was succeeded by Florens Radewyns, who two years later refounded the famous monastery of Augustinian canons at Windesheim, near Zwolle, which was thenceforth the centre of the new association.

Devotio Moderna

In addition, though, under the leadership of Radewyns, in 1387 some members of the Deventer house set up a new community at Windesheim, near Zwolle, and adopted the habit and rule of St Augustine.


The line is operated by the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (with DMUs of type Buffel) and is funded in part by the province of Overijssel and the municipalities of Zwolle and Kampen.


The most important of these waterways is of course river IJssel; others include the Zwarte Water and (Overijsselse) Vecht rivers; the Regge stream, which flows through Twente to spend its last few kilometers in Salland before ending in the Vecht near Ommen; the Schipbeek stream; and the Soestwetering stream, which merges with a number of lesser streams near Zwolle to form river Zwarte Water.

see also