The name of the fortress was popularized in Poland by Zygmunt Krasiński in his poem "Nie-Boska komedia" (Un-divine Comedy).
Ignacy, the third son of Jan (castellan of Wizna, near Łomza), and Ewa Trojanowska, brother of Adam (a bishop), and Michał Hieronim Krasiński (great-grandfather of world famous Polish poet, Count Zygmunt Krasiński).
In the Krasińscy mansion there is a museum dedicated to the Polish poet Zygmunt Krasiński.
John Krasinski | Zygmunt Bauman | Zygmunt Krasiński | Zygmunt Pieda | Krasiński Palace | '''Zygmunt Zaremba''' as a witness during court proceedings (Brest trials | Zygmunt Staszczyk | Zygmunt Smalcerz | Zygmunt Puławski | Zygmunt Krauze | Zygmunt Waliszewski | Zygmunt Steuermann | Zygmunt Latoszewski | Stanisław Krasiński | Michał Hieronim Krasiński | Jan Zygmunt Skrzynecki | Jan Dobrogost Krasiński |
After parting with her husband, Potocka went abroad, where she maintained close contacts with Chopin and with the Polish Romantic poet Count Zygmunt Krasiński.