
unusual facts about abridgment

Henry William de Saussure

His opinions were highly critical of the summary abridgment of rights of the accused during the Denmark Vesey trials, purportedly in the name of public safety.

Jacques Cujas

In jurisprudence his study was far from being devoted solely to Justinian; he recovered and gave to the world a part of the Theodosian Code, with explanations; and he procured the manuscript of the Basilica, a Greek abridgment of Justinian, afterwards published by Fabrot.

Ptolemaeus Chennus

See editions of Photius's abridgment by Joseph-Emmanuel-Ghislain Roulez (Ptolemaei Hephaestionis Novarum historiarum ad variam eruditionem pertinentium excerpta e Photio, 1834); and in A. Westermann, Mythographi graeci (1843); R. Hercher, Über die Glaubwürdigkeit der neuen Geschichte des Ptolemaus Chennus (Leipzig, 1856); JE Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship (2nd ed., 1906).

Raw Spirit

Jimmy Chisholm read an abridgment by Laurence Wareing in the BBC Radio 4 "Book of the Week" slot between 8 December and 12 December 2003.

Yvonne Antrobus

She has made over 100 abridgments and dramatisations for BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4 and for independent audio publishers, including Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre, The British Journalist by Andrew Marr and Days From A Different World by John Simpson.

see also