
unusual facts about absolve


Caroline Mary Luard

However, it was rumoured that Durnford’s orders had been stolen from his body after the battle in order to absolve Lieutenant-General Frederic Thesiger, 2nd Baron Chelmsford, and other senior officers of incompetence.

Francis Hosier

It is an apology for the failure of Hosier's earlier mission, and seeks to absolve Hosier of having shown a lack of initiative, blaming rather Admiralty orders "not to fight", which were obeyed only "against his heart's warm motion", having been "sent in this foul clime to languish".

Let's Go to Golgotha!

Specifically, when the crowd is asked whether Jesus or Barabbas should be spared, they must all join the call "Give us Barabbas!" (a priest absolves them from any guilt for so doing).

see also