
7 unusual facts about acropolis

Alex Grammas

I am gonna tell you, when I walked up to the Acropolis and saw the Parthenon, the hairs on my head were standing straight up.

Assassination of Galip Balkar

Only days prior to the shooting, Greek Armenians were quoted in the Athenian newspaper Acropolis as saying, "we are going to bring Turkey to her knees by shooting her best diplomats.”

Christos G. Doumas

From 1960 up until 1980, he had a career in the Greek Archaeological Service as curator of antiquities in Attica (on the Athenian Acropolis), in the Cyclades, in the Dodecanese Islands, and in the northern Aegean islands.

Dinos Painter

Out of the eighteen vases found in Athens, three of them were found on the Acropolis.

Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière

His father, Gaspard-Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, was a pioneer of early photography (the first man to photograph the Acropolis, in 1839) who made a series of daguerreotypes while on a Grand Tour through Greece, Egypt and the Holy Land.

Nia Vardalos

The film was the first American production given permission to film at the Acropolis; Vardalos sought the approval from the Greek Government.

Ot Pi

In 1994 Ot Pi appeared in another video entitled Full Cycle: A World Odyssey performing Trials in various locations in and around Athens, Greece, including the Plaka, National Garden of Athens, Acropolis, Parliamentary Building, Olympic Stadium, Christianity Rock and Sounion, known for its temple ruins by the Aegean Sea.

Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research

Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research (AITR) is a private college located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Acropolis Tournament

The Greek national team did not host the 2012 Acropolis Tournament, because it participated in the 2012 FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournament, and failed to qualify for the Olympics that year.

Aglaulus, daughter of Cecrops

An alternative version of the same story is that, while Athena was gone bringing a mountain from Pallene to use in the Acropolis, the sisters, minus Pandrosus again, opened the box.


A primitive anastylosis was carried out in 1836 at the Acropolis in Athens, where the Temple of Athena Nike was re-erected from remaining parts.

Anna Åkerhielm

Contemporary accounts describe how they spent their time in scientific investigations during their stay and at the ruins of Acropolis in Athens.


Excavations made from 1922 by Swedish archaeologists led by Axel W. Persson (and involving the then Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden) found the acropolis of ancient Asine surrounded by a Cyclopean wall (much modified in the Hellenistic era) and a Mycenaean era necropolis with many Mycenaean chamber tombs containing skeletal remains and grave goods.

Battle of the Caecus River

In recognition of this victory, a monument was erected at the acropolis of Pergamon that included the famous sculptures the Dying Gaul and the Ludovisi Gaul.

Citadel of Aleppo

Emperor Julian, in his 363 AD visit to Aleppo noted "I stayed there for a day, visited the acropolis, offered a white bull to Zeus according to imperial customs, and held a short talk with the town council about worshipping the gods."

City of the Violet Crown

:In Geoffrey Trease's novel The Crown of Violet, the name is explained as referring to the mauve-tinted marble of the Acropolis hill.

Dionysiou Areopagitou Street

It starts from Amalias Avenue near the Arch of Hadrian and ends near Philopappos Hill where it meets Apostolou Pavlou Street, the continuation of the pedestrian zone around the archaeological site of the Acropolis and the Agora.

Elli Stai

She started her career as a journalist at the Greek newspapers Mesimvrini and Acropolis, where she had her first front page with the interview of Giovanni Agnelli.

Erichthonius of Athens

An alternative version of the story is that Athena left the box with the daughters of Cecrops while she went to fetch a mountain from Pallene to use in the Acropolis.

Extreme Aggression

While the band had already gained a sizeable following in the US due to their 1987 tour with the crossover thrash band D.R.I., this album introduced many American fans to Kreator, primarily through heavy rotation of the "Betrayer" music video on MTV's Headbanger's Ball, which was partly shot at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.

For the Love of Benji

There are lots of interesting location shots as Benji hides out in the ruins of the Acropolis, where he is befriended by another stray, and through the narrow streets of an old Greek neighborhood, where he is pursued by a vicious Doberman Pinscher dog who has been brought in to kill him.

François Duval

A series of costly shunts, including on his Citroën debut from second place in Monte Carlo, led to an enforced two-rally leave from the cockpit for the Turkey and Acropolis rallies.


Dutch excavations (University of Amsterdam) point to first settlement of the acropolis hill in the (Final) Neolithic period.

Greek Resistance

Two young students, Apostolos Santas, a law student, and Manolis Glezos, a student at the Athens University of Economics and Business, secretly climbed the northwest face of the Acropolis and tore down the swastika banner which had been placed there by the occupation authorities.

Jacek Jędruch

He was at work on the second edition when in March 1995, while traveling in Greece with his wife Ewa, a chemical engineer, he suffered a fatal accident at the Acropolis in Athens.


The head of a marble statue found on the Acropolis so much resembles the copies of one of the Tyrannicides— Harmodius— that it has been called the Kritios Boy (now in the Acropolis Museum).


circuit area having excellent religious institutions, magnificent residential apartments, massive fortification and efflorescent palace complex, as the majestic imperial metropolis with acropolis and seat of cultural culmination of Kosal kingdom.

Pat Moss

Her most notable results were 3rd at the Acropolis Rally and 4ths at the Liège-Sofia-Liège and the RAC Rally.

Plečnik Parliament

Influenced by the extensive remodeling of Prague Castle he had carried out during the 1920s, the "Slovene Acropolis" concept called for the demolition of all or most of the medieval structure and its replacement with a monumental octagonal complex, including a triumphal access ramp or stairway that would have begun next to the Magistrat at the foot of Castle Hill.


Ernst Curtius places the original Prytaneum south of the Acropolis in the Old Agora, speaks of a second identical with the Tholos in the Cerameicus, and regards that of Pausanias as a building of Roman times.

Smbat Walls

Having completed his construction work on the fortress,king of Armenia Smbat went on to build a number of beautiful buildings and a marvellous palace complex on the acropolis.

Tatoi Palace

Tatoi, located 5 km north of Athens's suburbs, and 27 km from the Athenian Acropolis was the summer palace and 10,000 acre estate of the former Greek Royal Family, and the birthplace of George II of the Hellenes.

Union Buildings

The concept of an acropolis and a building that agreed with renowned British Architect sir Christopher Wren's theory that a public building should be a national ornament which establishes a nation, draws people and commerce and makes people love their country easily persuaded the then powers that be, who were at the time, preoccupied with the ideal of establishing a new and united nation.

Walls of Thessaloniki

The northern part of the walls adjoins the acropolis of the city, which formed a separate fortified enceinte, and within it lies another citadel, the Heptapyrgion (popularly known by its Ottoman name, Yedi Kule).

Waveland State Historic Site

The main doorway of the mansion is considered to be an exact replica of the doorway of the north entrance to the Erechtheion at the Acropolis in Athens.

William Bell Dinsmoor

During the mid-1930s, Dinsmoor took on a celebrated debate on the configuration of the three phases of the Parthenon with the eminent Acropolis scholar Wilhelm Dörpfeld.

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