
unusual facts about adjournment

Raise a question of privilege

Otherwise, a question of privilege can only be interrupted by higher-precedence privileged questions: Motions to take a recess, adjourn or fix the time to which to adjourn.

Adjournment sine die

Adjournment sine die—as in "The One Hundred Tenth Congress of the United States closed its second session today by adjourning sine die" - is an adjournment until the next session of Congress, there being two sessions to each numbered Congress—e.g., the 110th Congress met in 2007 (first session) and in 2008 (second session).

Alonzo B. Cornell

After the adjournment of the Senate in July 1878, Hayes suspended both the collector (Chester A. Arthur) and the naval officer, and their successors were finally confirmed.

Democratic vice presidential nomination of 1944

To avoid a victory for Wallace, the leaders got the organist to change his tune and they replaced Jackson, a Wallace supporter, with Mayor David L. Lawrence of Pittsburgh, who moved an adjournment until the next morning.

Habeas Corpus Suspension Act 1863

First James Walter Wall of New Jersey spoke until midnight, when Willard Saulsbury, Sr., of Delaware gave Republicans an opportunity to surrender by moving to adjourn.

Harry Iauko

After an adjournment of the case at the request of the defence, it was reported that Iauko would appear in court on 10 June, on charges of unlawful assembly, tresspass, intentional assault and threatening.

James Duddridge

On 3 December 2010, he replied for the Government from the Despatch Box during an Adjournment debate, a rarity as Commons whips—particularly Government Whips—by convention do not speak in the Chamber.

The Source of Sviyaga River

This lies about 5 km to the southwest from village of Kuzovatovo, where the land rises to a height of 332 m above sea level, combined sand by stony adjournment of paleogen.

see also