
unusual facts about albacore

White tuna

Albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga - the pale-fleshed tuna favoured by the canning industry, also known as shiro maguro, bin-naga maguro, or bincho maguro

Land-based game fishing

The billfish (marlin and sailfish) and the larger tuna (bluefin, yellowfin) are the main target species; smaller game fish are also sought, such as Spanish mackerel, dolphinfish, wahoo, smaller tuna species such as albacore and skipjack tuna, Australian longtail.

No. 415 Squadron RCAF

In October 1943 the Squadron was re-equipped with Wellingtons and Albacores; operating out of Bircham Newton, it became a successful E- and R-boat hunter unit.

see also