In 1887 Lindman started work as the Regnellian Amanuensis at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, spending some of his time as assistant in Bergius Botanic Garden and the rest as lecturer in Natural History and Physics at Högre Latinläroverket, a secondary school in Stockholm.
While there, he was offered a position as the Regnellian amanuensis at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, which he gladly accepted.
He was the son of the expatriate Eyre Evans Crowe, and brother of Eyre Crowe, a painter of historical subjects and genre, the friend and amanuensis of William Makepeace Thackeray.
amanuensis Couturier, 1907
Murex cumingii A.
For two or more years he resided in France, and was amanuensis to François Viète of Fontenay, against whom he published a pamphlet under the name of Poulterey.
After his father's death his mother Martha married John Christopher Smith, who was Handel's amanuensis.